Results for 'Phyllis Ann Rooney'

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  1. Feminist-Pragmatist Revisionings of Reason, Knowledge, and Philosophy.Phyllis Rooney - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (2):15 - 37.
    By tracing a specific development through the approaches of Peirce, James, and Dewey I present a view of (classical) pragmatist epistemology that invites comparison with recent work in feminist epistemology. Important dimensions of pragmatism and feminism emerge from this critical dialectical relationship between them. Pragmatist reflections on the role of reason and philosophy in a changing world encourage us to see that philosophy's most creative and most responsible future must also be a feminist one.
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  2. Philosophy, Adversarial Argumentation, and Embattled Reason.Phyllis Rooney - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (3):203-234.
    Philosophy’s adversarial argumentation style is often noted as a factor contributing to the low numbers of women in philosophy. I argue that there is a level of adversariality peculiar to philosophy that merits specific feminist examination, yet doesn’t assume controversial gender differences claims. The dominance of the argument-as-war metaphor is not warranted, since this metaphor misconstrues the epistemic role of good argument as a tool of rational persuasion. This metaphor is entangled with the persisting narrative of embattled reason, which, in (...)
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    Rationality and the politics of gender difference.Phyllis Rooney - 1995 - Metaphilosophy 26 (1-2):22-45.
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    Recent Work in Feminist Discussions of Reason.Phyllis Rooney - 1994 - American Philosophical Quarterly 31 (1):1 - 21.
  5. On Values in Science: Is the Epistemic/Non-Epistemic Distinction Useful?Phyllis Rooney - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:13-22.
    The debate about the rational and the social in science has sometimes been developed in the context of a distinction between epistemic and non-epistemic values. Paying particular attention to two important discussion in the last decade, by Longino and by McMullin, I argue that a fuller understanding of values in science ultimately requires abandoning the distinction itself. This is argued directly in terms of an analysis of the lack of clarity concerning what epistemic values are. I also argue that the (...)
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  6. Gender and moral reasoning revisited: Reengaging feminist psychology.Phyllis Rooney - 2001 - In Peggy Desautels, Joanne Waugh, Margaret Urban Walker, Uma Narayan, Diana Tietjens Meyers & Hilde Lindemann Nelson (eds.), Feminists Doing Ethics. Feminist Constructions. pp. 153--166.
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  7. When Philosophical Argumentation Impedes Social and Political Progress.Phyllis Rooney - 2012 - Journal of Social Philosophy 43 (3):317-333.
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  8. Gendered Reason: Sex Metaphor and Conceptions of Reason.Phyllis Rooney - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (2):77 - 103.
    Reason has regularly been portrayed and understood in terms of images and metaphors that involve the exclusion or denigration of some element-body, passion, nature, instinct-that is cast as "feminine." Drawing upon philosophical insight into metaphor, I examine the impact of this gendering of reason. I argue that our conceptions of mind, reason, unreason, female, and male have been distorted. The politics of "rational" discourse has been set up in ways that still subtly but powerfully inhibit the voice and agency of (...)
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    Feminism and Argumentation: A Response to Govier.Phyllis Rooney - unknown
  10. Putting Naturalized Epistemology to Work.Phyllis Rooney - 1998 - In Linda Alcoff (ed.), Epistemology: the big questions. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
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    Introduction: Reasoning for Change.Phyllis Rooney & Catherine E. Hundleby - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (3).
    This special issue of Informal Logic brings together two important areas of philosophy that have shown significant development in the last three decades: informal logic and feminist philosophy. A significant innovation they both share is new thinking about practices of argumentation and related practices of reasoning. Feminist theorizing supporting social and political change foregrounds “reasoning for change” in a way that draws attention to the contextual and rhetorical dimensions of argument and thus connects with significant developments in informal logic.
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  12. Feminism and Epistemology.Phyllis Rooney - 2004 - Routledge.
    _Feminist Epistemology _is the area of feminist philosophy that deals specifically with questions about the nature of knowledge. It draws attention to the fact that, historically, women have been excluded or discouraged from what were typically recognized as the important areas or disciplines of knowledge, particularly in academic institutions. It examines whether the exclusion of women from various knowledge communities has had an impact on the subject as a whole and looks at the ways in which feminist epistemology connects with (...)
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    Methodological Issues in the Construction of Gender as a Meaningful Variable in Scientific Studies of Cognition.Phyllis Rooney - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:109 - 119.
    Specific methodological limitations of traditional sex differences research are uncovered by feminist psychologists who argue for a shift toward a theoretical appropriation of gender that reveals its significance as a site of ongoing situated social regulation. I argue that such a shift has important implications for studies on gender and cognition, and that such studies have the potential to significantly expand our understanding of the contextual and situated nature of both social and "non-social" cognition.
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  14. A Different Different Voice: On the Feminist Challenge in Moral Theory.Phyllis Rooney - 1991 - Philosophical Forum 22 (4):335.
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    Commentary on Al-Tamimi.Phyllis Rooney - unknown
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  16. Epistemic Responsibility and Ecological Thinking.Phyllis Rooney - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (1):170-176.
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    Commentary on: Kathryn J. Norlock's "Receptivity as a virtue of argumentation".Phyllis Rooney - unknown
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    Reasoning and Social Context: the Role of Social Status and Power.Phyllis Rooney - unknown
    Recent work linking feminist epistemology with social epistemology draws attention to the role of status and power in understanding knowledge and reasoning in social context. I argue that considerations of social justice require better understandings of two particular components of reasoning and social context: abstraction—who gets to abstract, how, and why? the individual-social distinction—how do particular understandings of this distinction serve to minimize or elucidate the role of status and power?
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    The history of philosophy.Anne Rooney - 2016 - New York: Rosen Publishing.
    The examined life -- What is there? -- Is there a God? -- What is it to be human? -- What can we know? -- How should we live? -- How do we make a good society? -- At the end of the day.
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    Think like a philosopher: get to grips with reasoning and ethics.Anne Rooney - 2019 - London: Acturus Publishing.
    Think Like an Economist is a fun introduction to the main concepts of economics. It illustrates how the subject has a clear, practical purpose vital to our daily lives and thinking; includes stories of many of the world's greatest economists; and covers the history of economics from the early barter system through the Industrial Revolution to the emergence of globalization.
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    Enhancing Understanding of Moral Distress: The Measure of Moral Distress for Health Care Professionals.Elizabeth G. Epstein, Phyllis B. Whitehead, Chuleeporn Prompahakul, Leroy R. Thacker & Ann B. Hamric - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (2):113-124.
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    The history of mathematics.Anne Rooney - 2013 - New York: Rosen.
    Traces the origins and development of arithmetic, statistics, geometry, and calculus from the ancient civilizations to the present.
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    The history of physics.Anne Rooney - 2012 - New York: Rosen.
    Presents a history of physics, discussing atoms and elements, radiation and speed of light, and energy fields and forces.
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  24. Just Reason.Catherine Hundleby & Phyllis A. Rooney - 2010 - Studies in Social Justice 4 (1):1-6.
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    Derrida s Gift.Elizabeth Weed & Ellen Rooney (eds.) - 2005 - Duke University Press.
    In this special issue of _difference_s, leading feminist theorists acknowledge Derrida’s contribution to feminist theory, discuss the crucial place of difference in both Derridian deconstruction and feminist theory, and reflect on the ethical, professional, and epistemological implications of Derrida’s thought for the discipline of women’s studies. In bringing together major feminist critics whose work has been touched by the writings of Derrida, this issue both pays tribute to and reflects upon Derrida’s ideas. Among the essayists included, Jane Gallop considers Derrida’s (...)
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    Book Review: Mothers on the Fast Track: How a New Generation Can Balance Family and Careers. By Mary Ann Mason and Eve Mason Ekman. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, 176 pp. $15.95 (paper): Women at the Top: Powerful Leaders Tell Us How to Combine Work and Family. By Diane F. Halpern and Fanny M. Cheung. Malden, MA: John Wiley, 2008, 320 pp., $29.95. [REVIEW]Phyllis Moen - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):557-560.
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  27. Phyllis Pray Bober, Art, Culture, and Cuisine: Ancient and Medieval Gastronomy. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1999. Pp. xix, 442; 141 black-and-white figures. $50. [REVIEW]Bridget Ann Henisch - 2001 - Speculum 76 (2):387-388.
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    Why We Need Skepticism in Argument: Skeptical Engagement as a Requirement for Epistemic Justice.Lucy Alsip Vollbrecht - 2022 - Argumentation 36 (2):269-285.
    The Argumentative Adversariality debate is over the question of whether argument must be adversarial. A particular locus of this debate is on skeptical challenges in critical dialogue. The Default Skeptical Stance in argument is a practical manifestation of argumentative adversariality. Views about the on-the-ground value of the DSS vary. On one hand, in “The Social & Political Limitations of Philosophy”, Phyllis Rooney argues that the DSS leads to epistemic injustice. On the other, Allan Hazlett in his recent piece (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of Ludwig Wittgenstein.Naomi Scheman & Peg O'Connor (eds.) - 2002 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The original essays in this volume, while written from diverse perspectives, share the common aim of building a constructive dialogue between two currents in philosophy that seem not readily allied: Wittgenstein, who urges us to bring our words back home to their ordinary uses, recognizing that it is our agreements in judgments and forms of life that ground intelligibility; and feminist theory, whose task is to articulate a radical critique of what we say, to disrupt precisely those taken-for-granted agreements in (...)
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    Chapter 9. Register as a Dimension of Linguistic Variation.Ann D. Zwicky & Arnold M. Zwicky - 1982 - In John Lehrberger & Richard Kittredge (eds.), Sublanguage: Studies of Language in Restricted Semantic Domains. De Gruyter. pp. 213-218.
  31. Feminist Epistemology and Social Epistemology: Another Uneasy Alliance.Michael D. Doan - 2024 - Apa Studies on Feminism and Philosophy 23 (2):11-19.
    In this paper I explore Phyllis Rooney’s 2003 chapter, “Feminist Epistemology and Naturalized Epistemology: An Uneasy Alliance,” taking guidance from her critique of naturalized epistemology in pursuing my own analysis of another uneasy alliance: that between feminist epistemology and social epistemology. Investigating some of the background assumptions at work in prominent conceptions of social epistemology, I consider recent analyses of "epistemic bubbles" to ask how closely such analyses are aligned with ongoing research in feminist epistemology. I argue that (...)
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    Feminist Interpretations of W. V. Quine.Lynn Hankinson Nelson & Jack Nelson (eds.) - 2003 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    As one of the preeminent philosophers of the twentieth century, W. V. Quine made groundbreaking contributions to the philosophy of science, mathematical logic, and the philosophy of language. This collection of essays examines Quine's views, particularly his holism and naturalism, for their value to feminist theorizing today. Some contributors to this volume see Quine as severely challenging basic tenets of the logico-empiricist tradition in the philosophy of science—the analytic/synthetic distinction, verificationism, foundationalism—and accept various of his positions as potential resources for (...)
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    The Gender of Science.Janet A. Kourany (ed.) - 2002 - Prentice-Hall.
    Table of Contents I. WHO ARE THE SCIENTISTS? Historically. Women in the Origins of Modern Science, Londa Schiebinger. Women of Third World Descent in the Sciences, Sandra Harding. Recently. Women in Science: Half In Half Out, Vivian Gornick.”How Can a Little Girl Like You Teach a Great Big Class of Men?’ the Chairman Said, and Other Adventures of a Woman in Science, Naomi Weisstein. The Anomaly of a Woman in Physics, Evelyn Fox Keller. Currently. Women Join the Ranks of Science (...)
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    Religious Experience Reconsidered: A Building-Block Approach to the Study of Religion and Other Special Things.Ann Taves - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    The essence of religion was once widely thought to be a unique form of experience that could not be explained in neurological, psychological, or sociological terms. In recent decades scholars have questioned the privileging of the idea of religious experience in the study of religion, an approach that effectively isolated the study of religion from the social and natural sciences. Religious Experience Reconsidered lays out a framework for research into religious phenomena that reclaims experience as a central concept while bridging (...)
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    Suburban Escape: The Art of California Sprawl.Ann M. Wolfe - 2006 - Center for American Places.
    Ansel Adams, Robert Adams, Carlos Almaraz, Robert Arneson, John Baldessari, Lewis Baltz, Robert Bechtle, Jeff Brouws, Laurie Brown, Angela Buenning, Darlene Campbell, Mark Campbell, Gary Carlos, Fandra Chang, Stephane Couturier, Robert Dawson, Joe Deal, Richard Diebenkorn, John Divola, Beth Yarnelle Edwards, Kota Ezawa, William A. Garnett, Jeff Gillette, Joe Goode, Todd Hido, David Hockney, Salomon Huerta, Robert Isaacs, Thomas Lawson, Jean Lowe, Alex MacLean, Richard Meisinger, Jr., Richard Misrach, Rick Monzon, Barrie Mottishaw, Martin Mull, Deborah Oropallo, Bill Owens, Rondal Partridge, (...)
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  36. Derrida and Foucault: writing the history of historicity.Ann Wordsworth - 1987 - In Derek Attridge, Geoffrey Bennington & Robert Young (eds.), Post-structuralism and the question of history. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 116--125.
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  37. Postfeminisms: feminism, cultural theory, and cultural forms.Ann Brooks - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
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    The effects of source trustworthiness and inference type on human belief revision.Ann G. Wolf, Susann Rieger & Markus Knauff - 2012 - Thinking and Reasoning 18 (4):417-440.
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    Detecting contract cheating in essay and report submissions: process, patterns, clues and conversations.Ann M. Rogerson - 2017 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 13 (1).
    Detecting contract cheating in written submissions can be difficult beyond direct plagiarism detectable via technology. Successfully identifying potential cases of contract cheating in written work such as essays and reports is largely dependent on the experience of assessors and knowledge of student. It is further dependent on their familiarity with the patterns and clues evident in sections of body text and reference materials to identify irregularities. Consequently, some knowledge of what the patterns and clues look like is required. This paper (...)
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    New Knowledge from Old Data: The Role of Standards in the Sharing and Reuse of Ecological Data.Ann S. Zimmerman - 2008 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 33 (5):631-652.
    This article analyzes the experiences of ecologists who used data they did not collect themselves. Specifically, the author examines the processes by which ecologists understand and assess the quality of the data they reuse, and investigates the role that standard methods of data collection play in these processes. Standardization is one means by which scientific knowledge is transported from local to public spheres. While standards can be helpful, the results show that knowledge of the local context is critical to ecologists' (...)
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  41. The Responsibility Gap and LAWS: a Critical Mapping of the Debate.Ann-Katrien Oimann - 2023 - Philosophy and Technology 36 (1):1-22.
    AI has numerous applications and in various fields, including the military domain. The increase in the degree of autonomy in some decision-making systems leads to discussions on the possible future use of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS). A central issue in these discussions is the assignment of moral responsibility for some AI-based outcomes. Several authors claim that the high autonomous capability of such systems leads to a so-called “responsibility gap.” In recent years, there has been a surge in philosophical literature (...)
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    (1 other version)Violence and the Philosophical Imaginary.Ann V. Murphy - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    Examines how violence has been conceptually and rhetorically put to use in continental social theory.
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    The co-instantiation thesis.Ann Whittle - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (1):61 – 79.
    The co-instantiation thesis is pivotal to a significant solution to the problem of causal exclusion. But this thesis has been subject to some powerful objections. In this paper, I argue that these difficulties arise because the thesis lacks the necessary metaphysical framework in which its claims should be interpreted and understood. Once this framework is in place, we see that the co-instantiation thesis can answer its critics. The result is a rehabilitated co-instantiation solution to the troubling problem of causal exclusion. (...)
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  44. Ceteris Paribus, I Could Have Done Otherwise.Ann Whittle - 2014 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 92 (1):73-85.
    In this paper, I explore an alternative to the Principle of Alternate Possibilities for Moral Responsibility—the Ceteris Paribus Principle of Alternative Possibilities for Moral Responsibility. I consider motivations for this principle and answer some objections to it.
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    Printed Commonplace-Books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought.Ann Moss - 1996 - Clarendon Press.
    This is a ground-breaking study of the way educated people were trained to think in Renaissance Europe. As Ann Moss demonstrates, the commonplace-book of quotations which every schoolboy of the period was taught to use opens a window on to the manner in which attitudes were structured, a moral consensus was established, and styles of writing evolved. Printed Commonplace-Books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought is much more than an account of humanist classroom practice: it is a major work of (...)
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  46. On an Argument for Humility.Ann Whittle - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (3):461-497.
    Considerations upon the nature of properties and laws have led some philosophers to claim that the correct epistemic attitude with regards to the intrinsic properties of particulars is scepticism. I examine one particularly clear version of this line of argument, and contend that a serious form of scepticism is not established. However, I argue that the theories of properties and laws underlying the argument have unwanted metaphysical implications. These provide a stronger reason to jettison the analyses. I end by sketching (...)
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    The perception of causality.Ann Taylor - 1964 - Philosophical Books 5 (1):12-13.
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    A critical incident study of ICU nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.Ann Rhéaume, Myriam Breau & Stéphanie Boudreau - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):317-329.
    Background: Intensive care unit nurses are providing care to COVID-19 patients in a stressful environment. Understanding intensive care unit nurses’ sources of distress is important when planning interventions to support them. Purpose: To describe Canadian intensive care unit nurse experiences providing care to COVID-19 patients during the second wave of the pandemic. Design: Qualitative descriptive component within a larger mixed-methods study. Participants and research context: Participants were invited to write down their experiences of a critical incident, which distressed them when (...)
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    Why Command Responsibility May (not) Be a Solution to Address Responsibility Gaps in LAWS.Ann-Katrien Oimann - 2024 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 18 (3):765-791.
    The possible future use of lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) and the challenges associated with assigning moral responsibility leads to several debates. Some authors argue that the highly autonomous capability of such systems may lead to a so-called responsibility gap in situations where LAWS cause serious violations of international humanitarian law. One proposed solution is the doctrine of command responsibility. Despite the doctrine’s original development to govern human interactions on the battlefield, it is worth considering whether the doctrine of command (...)
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    Alfred Tarski. Introduction to logic and to the methodology of deductive sciences. Third edition of VI 30. Oxford University Press, New York1965, viii + 252 pp.Ann M. Singleterry - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):674.
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